This is my third time requesting files, and I have to say, the service you provide is outstanding. Prompt clear communication and quick turnaround every time. Not to mention exceptional value. It costs less to have my records copied and delivered to my computer than a tank of gas to drive to D.C. and then have to research and wade through red tape. I have found out more about my ancestor than I thought possible from his pension file. The copies were clear and complete and to date, I’m probably close to 1,000 pages without a problem page showing up. I have recommended this service to my friends that research their ancestors and plan on using them for any research that comes up for me personally. I’ve attached an image of the first page of 103 pages that nailed down where he was from and his age. Further in the documents, it gives an examination by the surgeon giving his height, weight and medical condition. Amazing find and without Gopher Records, it would probably never have been found.
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