If you need records, we will gopher you.

Welcome to Gopher Records!  

We specialize in the retrieval of Civil War and other 19th-century military records from the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), including service records, pensions, medical records, Court Martial records, Bounty Land records, and others. We can also retrieve federal land records involving civilians (e.g., Homestead, cash sales, etc.). We will duplicate the records of your choice and deliver them faster and at a much lower cost than if you ordered them directly from NARA.  If you need records, we will gopher you!

Was your ancestor in the Civil War?
If you need help, we recommend that you start with this handy
article entitled "How to Research Your Civil War Ancestor."

Read more >
What records are available?
Let us help you to determine what types of
records are likely to exist for your soldier.
Free Records Assessment >

Featured Products

Civil War Service File

Details of military service and other info.

Civil War Pension File

A bonanza of genealogical information.

Carded Medical Records

Summaries of individual hospital visits.

Court Martial Records

Details of trials for offenses against military law.

Bounty Land Warrant

Records of Bounty Land and other Federal land grants.

Civil War Ancestor Search

What records are likely to exist for your soldier?