If you need records, we will gopher you.

Civil War pension file

I am so happy to have heard about Gopher Records’ services. Two years ago I had tried to obtain a complete Civil War pension file on someone through National Archives and never heard back, never saw my credit card run, could not track my request on NARA’s website, nor did NARA respond to emails. When I learned that Gopher Records could do this for me quickly and at a discount, I jumped on the chance.

Because this veteran was a complicated case, a deserter who later re-enlisted in a different unit, and a bigamist with two widows filing applications, it was very helpful to be able to email Gopher Records and explain exactly what I wanted. I got the file quickly and it was legible and complete. I planned to write an article about this veteran and if I had not heard of Gopher Records, I would probably have given up on NARA.


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