If you need records, we will gopher you.

First experience with Gopher Records

I don’t know why it took me so long to try this service. I have had a Civil War veteran ancestor brick wall for some time, and knew that there was likely a pension record for my ancestor (as opposed to at least one other man of the same name) but hadn’t pursued getting a copy.
Recently a genealogy friend talked about Gopher Records, reminding me to look again. I discovered that I could ask for a free assessment of what records were available so I started there. It took 5 days to get a comprehensive response – the records that are available and what the cost for them would be. I decided within a day to go for it all, and within 5 days of my request, I had an invoice and link to access all but one of the records. (A court martial record had not been accessible on the day all the other records were digitized.)
The bottom line is that I acquired a large Civil War pension (176 pages!) plus medical records for one of the units, and service files for the 2 Ohio Volunteer Infantry units he was enlisted in. The court martial file followed a week later. I have not yet finished (of course!) taking in all this information, but I did get confirmation that he had been a Confederate prisoner in Andersonville and 2 others locations.
An amazing amount of information to add to what I know about this 2g grandfather who was a brick wall for so long. Thanks to Gopher Records!


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