My cousin and I decided to use Gopher Records to help us get the pension and service records for our 2X great-grandfather from the Civil War. The records were somewhat complicated as our grandfather served in three different units in the Union Army using three alias.
In just over a week we had all of the records from all three units and all three names including the pension file. We were so excited to get the information and pleased that we had received it so quickly.
The entire file was nearly 400 pages and we are still going through it but have already made several new discoveries. The prices were very reasonable for the amount of information we received.
I would recommend Gopher Records to anyone who needs records from the National Archives or any of the services they provide. I will certainly use them again as I have another grandfather that I need pension and service records for.
This is a great company and deliver just as advertised.
Sandy Sutherland
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