If you need records, we will gopher you.

Pension records of Lewis Taylor Robinson and William Henry Pinn

I am very happy with the service that I start utilizing back in June 2023. I might be in trouble because I might need a second job because all of sudden I need more pension records for my Civil War ancestors and my USCT 100th project. LOL I have been waiting for the pension record for my two 4x great uncles for some time. I haven’t read the pension for William Henry Pinn yet, it is 273 pages, and I need to print it out still. I have waited nearly three years for Lewis Taylor Robinson’s pension record/widow’s pension. I ordered it from the National Archives right before the pandemic started, and wanted to cry because they cancelled my request. So, when things started picking up at the Archives again, I placed another order for both uncles before June 2023. I couldn’t wait any longer (they didn’t start processing/scanning) so I told Bob about my pending request about the second week of August. After I emailed the Archives telling them I want to cancel, they happily cancelled my request (I think they were relieved because of their back order!). So, not even two weeks later I received both pension records from Gopher Record. One pension was 172 pages and the other one was 273 pages. LOL. Mind you before I received both pensions towards the end of August, I had three pension records, three medical cards, a court martial from Gopher Record. I found two more brothers of my great- great-great grandmother, PRICELESS! I could not afford all of these these records from the Archives. I also don’t have to wait an eternity for records. It is a two week service, even when both your pension records are almost 400 pages long combined. I highly recommend Gopher Record. Oh, by the way I put another request in. LOL

Lewis Taylor Robinson C Company 121 U.S.C. Infantry, G Company 13 U.S.C. H. Artillery
Wiliam Henry Pinn C. 93 Ohio Infantry


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