If you need records, we will gopher you.

How are orders delivered?

We make color copies of your documents and deliver them as downloadable PDF files.  Each PDF file will contain one element from your order.  That is, if you order a service file and a pension file, you will receive two PDF files.

PDF files can be viewed by any version of Adobe Acrobat, including the free Acrobat Reader.

If you have a slow internet connection, then we can mail the documents to you on a thumb drive by request.  The delivery cost will be $10.00 plus actual shipping.

We do not ship paper copies of the documents.  Once you receive the PDF(s), then you can print them, of course.  Be aware, however, that the original documents are typically in a wide variety of sizes (i.e., letter, legal, envelope, etc.).  If you print them all on letter-size paper, for instance, then it may affect their legibility because some documents may be resized or truncated depending on your printer settings.

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