Revolutionary War service and pension records are not available at the National Archives so they are not among the records that we can scan. All of those records have been previously digitized.
The indexes to those records are available with a free account to The service record index is HERE and the pension record index is HERE.
The records themselves are on Service records are HERE and pension records are HERE.
Fold3 is a subscription service but there are a variety of legal ways to access it without a subscription as itemized on our blog HERE.
Many (but not all) of the Revolutionary War records are also available on the National Archives web site at no charge. Service records are HERE and pension records are HERE.
If your soldier(s) received Bounty Land as an inducement or reward for service in the Revolutionary War, then we can retrieve those records for you. Bounty Land Applications are $22 each and Land Entry Case Files are $25 each. The index to Bounty Land Applications (current only through surnames starting with “L”) are on Fold3 HERE.
We can likewise get records of Federal land that was purchased by your Revolutionary War ancestor or which was granted to them the Homestead Act and other Federal grant programs. Again, Land Entry Case Files are $25 each.
A searchable database of all patented Federal land is on the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) web site HERE.